

  I will share stories about my activities and my niece. During the Covid-19 pandemic we are all required to study at home. Therefore, I share the knowledge I have with my niece. I have shared some of the knowledge I have, one of which is English subject. I teach   about direction and location to my niece. Actually, before the Covid-19 pandemic, I had shared my knowledge with my niece. Apart from the Covid-19 pandemic, the reason I share knowledge about English subjects is because the latest elementary school curriculum does not include English subjects in the learning process at school. So I took the initiative to teach my niece. Before I share my knowledge, I will review it again by looking for references on Google or YouTube. Then I will write down the material that I will teach. After that, I taught my niece. I will explain and then ask questions for practice or to evaluate whether my niece really understands what I have taught. While teaching my niece, I feel happy because the

Procedure Text

  HOW TO MAKE WINGKO BABAT Introduction Wingko or often called Wingko Babat is Indonesian traditional food. Wingko is a type of cake made of young coconut, glutinous rice flour and sugar. Wingko is very famous on the north coast of Java. These cakes are often sold at the train station, bus stations or also in cake shops for family souvenirs. Wingko is usually round in shape, usually served warm and cut into small pieces.  Wingko can be sold in large round shapes or as small cakes wrapped in paper.  The combination of sugar and coconut makes this cake delicious.  The price of this cake can vary depending on where it is sold and this wingko brand. The most famous wingko is made in Semarang.  This caused many people to think that wingko also came from this city.  However, wingko babat actually comes from Babat.  This is a small area in Lamongan, East Java.  Babat is the intersection point of Bojonegoro, Jombang, Tuban and Surabaya. Material/Ingredient - 1/2 kg G lutinous rice flour - 150


WEEK 1 Hello my name is Hidayatul Ilmi. I am in 12th grade from Senior High School 1 Purwosari, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. I join SOS4LOVE PROJECT. I think this is a good project. Because this project is related to SDG. So that we can learn, gain insight, and take action for sustainable development and protect ecosystems. In here I explain SDG number 13 about climate action. This is my photo with my astraunot   "Earth gives life to humans. But humans are killing the earth." Many people have exploited natural resources. Some of them are aware and know the consequences. But, they don't seem to care. Not only that, there are still many human activities that cause climate change where the earth's temperature increases and the weather becomes extreme. Earth gave us a place to live but why do humans try to destroy it? Some people only think about money and economic growth. Even though it is like that, some humans also try to heal the earth by doing greening actions and etc. WEEK

UKBM CAPTION "Air Pollution Cause Dangerous Diseases"

Video Group 3 "Air Pollution Cause Dangerous Diseases" Group 3 : Choirunnisa Nabila (06) Hidayatul Ilmi (10) M. Kelvin (23) Putri Aldasari (26) Ratu Aini M. P (29) Sri Rahayu N (33) Thank you for watching and may be useful


The Caterpillar and The Bat             When the sky turns dark and morning becomes night. That’s when the bat look for food. The bat flies to   the guava tree which he often visited. When going to get guava, bats are shocked because caterpillars suddenly appear from inside guava. “Gosh you surprised me. Why did you eat my fruit? This is my guava tree.” Said the bat in anger. “Oh...come on, this is a fruit tree for all forest dwellers. And anyway I have eaten this guava.” Said the caterpillar. But, the bat still felt angry and didn’t accept it “I can’t, I don’t want to share with you.” Because bats remain angry, caterpillars try to say wisely “Hi bat...don’t be greedy. I have difficulty reaching this tree. While you can more easly take this guava. And there are still many guavas on this tree.”             Hearing what the caterpillar said, the bat began to admit his mistake. He should not be selfish and greedy. "Ok, you can eat this guava and ... I'm sorry." The cater

Love All Creatures and World

Reflection Canned milk Past ( S + Past / V2 ) Reflection Present Continues ( S + is/am/are + V ing ) Action Now Future ( S + Will + Present / V1 ) Action Plan I breakfast everyday. When breakfast, I do not forget to drink milk. I usually drink canned milk. After that, I threw out a cans of milk. But, I realized too late that milk cans are very difficult to decompose. And can cause soil pollution or water pollution. I need to drink milk at breakfast.  And I think drinking milk can add energy.  But, now I choose to buy milk without cans.  I bought refill pure milk and I also drink more water because the body needs more fluids.  With this I can reduce milk cans trash. I've been trying to reduce milk cans trash.  But I want to recycle milk cans trash.  I will recycle milk cans into handicrafts, like turning trash cans into pencil cases.  I think it will get better. Wisdom

Explanation Text and Procedure Text

A.      Prosedur text How To Make The Body’s Immune Drink Ingredients -          8 pieces of curcuma -          6 pieces of turmeric -          3 pieces of ginger -          400 ml of water -          honey Intructions/ steps -          preapare a pan, then fill with water -          turn on the stove on medium heat -          put curcuma, turmeric, and ginger -          cook until it boils and the water looks red -          turn off the stove, then put the drink in a glass -          add 2 tablespoons of honey B.      Explanation text How The Body’s Immune Drink Is Made General Statement       During the transition season, it is recommended that we take care our health. We can take care of it with exercising also eating and drinking healthy. Besides inscreasing immunity is also very important. We can make healthy food and drinks, one of which is the body’s immun drink made from herbal ingredients. Here how the body’s immune drink is made.